Nyitva tartás: minden nap 8-20 óráig
Szeptember 13-19 között ZÁRVA vagyunk.

Blackbeard's Water Adventure Park Service Regulations

Dear Guests!

Please read the service rules carefully before using the water adventure playground, which all our guests are obliged to fully comply with! By entering the water park, you acknowledge that you have read the rules and regulations and accept them as binding.

1. The track area is marked by a line of buoys!
2. You may enter and stay on the course only at your own risk, after signing the relevant "Declaration of Responsibility", wearing a valid wristband, within the time limit of the wristband. Otherwise, it is strictly FORBIDDEN to be on or to use the course!
3. Persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other mind-altering intoxicants are NOT permitted to enter or remain on the course.
4. No one under the age of 8 is allowed on the course!
5. Persons under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on the course!
6. Entering and staying on the course is only allowed in a swimsuit and wearing a life jacket, otherwise it is FORBIDDEN!
7. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to bring sharp or piercing objects (knives, key chains, etc...) onto the course area!
8. In order to protect the life and physical safety of all persons on the course, everyone is obliged to pay reasonable attention to the safety of others. On certain sections of the course, overtaking or jumping is only permitted with caution and with due regard for others. Pushing others off the course into the water is FORBIDDEN!
9. Everyone must obey the instructions of the staff in charge of the track!
10. Swimming off the course outside the marker buoys is strictly FORBIDDEN!
11. No more than one person at a time is allowed on the elements connecting each of the attractive games on the course!
12. No more than one person may be on the trampoline element of the track at any one time.
13. No more than one person at a time on the slide element of the track!
14. No more than one person per side can be on the climbing elements of the course at the same time, i.e. no more than four people can be on a four-sided element at the same time!
15. With due care and attention, the climbing elements of the course can be accessed using the handholds designed for climbing!
16. Sliding from the sliding elements into the water is only allowed in a sitting position or lying on your back with your feet towards the water!
17. Maintaining the safety distance between two slides is mandatory! A guest sliding into the water can be followed when he has already moved away from the point of entry into the water!
18. Assistance to a guest who falls into the water from the pitch is obligatory, and the guest who falls must immediately inform the staff!
19. After jumping or falling into the water, hiding under, pulling, moving or clinging to the ropes that anchor the elements to the shore is strictly FORBIDDEN and LIFE DANGEROUS!
20. Damaging game elements with hands or other objects is strictly FORBIDDEN!
21. Putting shells on the game elements is strictly FORBIDDEN!
22. In case of intentional or negligent damage to game elements, all guests are liable for damages.