Nyitva tartás: minden nap 8-20 óráig
Szeptember 13-19 között ZÁRVA vagyunk.

Rules of the Blackbeard Experience Park Laser Fighting Course

Dear Guests!

Before using the Laser Fighting Games, please read carefully the service rules, which must be fully respected by all our guests! By using the equipment, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the rules and regulations and that they are binding on you.

1. The area of the track suitable for the use of the device is determined by the animators.
2. You may enter and stay on the course or use the equipment only at your own risk, after signing the relevant "Declaration of Responsibility", wearing a valid wristband and within the time limit of the wristband. Otherwise, it is strictly FORBIDDEN to be on the course and to use the equipment!
3. Persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other mind-altering intoxicants are NOT permitted to enter or remain on the course or to use the equipment.
4. Persons under the age of 10 are not allowed on the course and are NOT allowed to fight with or use the Laser.
5. Persons over the age of 10 but under the age of 18 must have parental permission to be on the course!
6. Entering and staying on the course is only allowed with closed shoes and properly closed clothing and wearing a safety helmet, otherwise it is FORBIDDEN!
7. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to bring sharp or piercing objects (in particular, but not limited to knives, etc...) onto the course area!
8. In order to protect the life and physical safety of all persons on the course, everyone is obliged to pay due attention to others!
9. Everyone must obey the instructions of the staff in charge of the pitch and the games!
10. It is FORBIDDEN to leave the track area with your equipment!
11. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to hit the other player or any other object with the equipment, or to subject the equipment to any kind of force!
12. It is everyone's responsibility to protect their equipment from pollution!
13. In the event of intentional or negligent damage to the equipment, all guests are liable for damages.