Nyitva tartás: minden nap 8-20 óráig
Szeptember 13-19 között ZÁRVA vagyunk.

Rules for the E-quad track at the Blackbeard Experience Park

Dear Guests!

Before using the E-quad games, please read carefully the service rules, which all our guests are obliged to fully comply with! By using the equipment, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this policy.

1. The area of the track where the equipment can be used is marked by a fence, except for the E-quad cross-country tour!
2. You may enter and stay on the course or use the equipment only at your own risk, after signing the relevant "Declaration of Responsibility", wearing a valid wristband and within the time limit of the wristband. Otherwise, it is strictly FORBIDDEN to be on the course or to use the equipment!
3. Persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other mind-altering intoxicants are NOT permitted to enter or remain on the course or to use the equipment.
4. No person under the age of 16 is allowed on the track, and is NOT allowed to use the E-quad or the track.
5. Persons over the age of 16 but under the age of 18 must have parental permission to be on the course!
6. Entering and staying on the course is only allowed with closed shoes and properly closed clothing and wearing a safety helmet, otherwise it is FORBIDDEN!
7. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to bring sharp or piercing objects (in particular, but not limited to knives, etc...) onto the course area!
8. In order to protect the life and physical safety of all persons on the course, everyone is obliged to pay due attention to others!
9. Everyone must obey the instructions of the staff in charge of the pitch and the games!
10. It is FORBIDDEN to use the equipment outside the fence marking the track area. Exception: E-quad tour.
11. No more than one person at a time on the E-quad devices!
12. Thanks to the electric drive, the E-quad device delivers torque instantaneously, steplessly, in proportion to the force of the rotation of the speed control handle - torque control - which is highly accident-prone, so the speed control handle can be turned slowly, with care and caution!
13. Before starting the E-quad, make sure that the direction switch controlling the direction of travel of the device is in the correct position, so that you can start without an accident!
14. Position "D" indicates forward travel
15. "R" position indicates reverse
16. On the right side of the handlebar horn of the device is the speed control handle, underneath it is the two-position red direction control switch, while on both handles of the handlebar horn there is a brake lever (front-rear).
17. Collisions with equipment, whether with other equipment or other terrain, are strictly FORBIDDEN!
18. You may only use the device in a seated position, standing up during the ride is strictly FORBIDDEN!
19. Assistance to a guest in trouble on the pitch is obligatory, which the guest must immediately report to the staff, or the game will be suspended until the rescue is carried out!
20. In the event of intentional or negligent damage to the equipment, all guests are liable for damages.